The Beneficial of Hot Bikram Yoga Postures Step By Step

The Bikram Yoga is kind of fitness regime and a therapy which is most sought after these days. Since health related problems are increasing exponentially, Bikram yoga is finding its place. Some people cannot even afford the proper medication or treatment for their disease and there are some places where there is lack of proper medical facilities. To eradicate this problem many people started practising yoga. It does not require any expensive equipment or any medication, just some professional guidance. It is not only cheap but easy to  practise and can be practised at home.

One of its type is BIKRAM YOGA. Bikram yoga is a type of yoga which is done in an unchanging sequence of 26 yoga postures. Bikram Yoga was devised by an Indian born American yoga teacher BIKRAM CHOUDHURY based on the writings of B.C.Ghosh. He invented Bikram Yoga in the 1970s.

Bikram Yoga is done in a hot room with temperature adjusted to 41° C (105 °F) with humidity increased to 40%. This is done to replicate the surrounding temperature and climate of India, from where yoga originated. This environment helps the body with the suitable body movement required for the yoga and in addition it also removes impurities. Each cycle of 26 postures which includes 24 asanas and 2 breathing exercises lasts 90 minutes long and ends with Kapalbhati which is done to relax the body.

The 26 postures of Bikram Yoga are:

  1. Pranayama

Pranayama is a breathing exercise which is done by inhaling air by a nostril at a time and repeating it alternatively in a synchronised manner. This is beneficial in treatment of a wide range of breathing problems like moderate asthma and stress related disorders.

  1. Ardhachandrasana

It is a standing yoga pose in which the upper body is bent towards the right with keeping arms stretched straight upwards and without disturbing the lower body. It is beneficial in stress related disorders and also improves digestion.

  1. Utkatasana

It is also known as Awkward Pose. It is done by bending knees and arms stretched and aligned with ears. It strengthens body muscles.

  1. Garudasana

It is a standing pose which is inspired by Garuda (eagle). It is done by crossing one leg over the other with crossing the opposite arm on the other arm. It strengthens ankles and calves and improves in balancing.

  1. Dandayamana janushirasna

It is a head standing pose which is done by stretching a leg perpendicular to the other and by touching the leg with both arms and head touching the knee of the leg. It strengthens the spine, leg, hip and knee.

  1. DandayamanaDhanurasana

It is also known as standing bow pose. It is done by stretching a leg straight upwards and holding it with the adjacent arm and stretching the other arm perpendicularly to the legs. It increases the circulation in the body and also improves the elasticity of the spinal cord.

  1. Tuladandasana

It is also known as balancing stick pose. It is done by standing on one foot and other in the air with both hands joined and arms locked and raised above the head aligned with the other leg.

It improves balance and strengthens the muscles.

  1. Dandayamana Bibhakttapad Paschimottanasana

It is a standing upper body exercise that calms your body. It is done by standing with both feet at a distance and bending the upper body and touching both feet with both hands and by touching the head on the floor. It increases flexibility of the body and strengthens the spinal cord.

  1. Trikonasana

It is also known as triangle pose. It is done by standing on both feet at maximum distance and bending the upper body sideways and touching the floor with hand. It is helpful in backaches and makes the spine flexible.

  1. Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janusirsasana

It is a standing leg head to knee pose. It is done by placing a foot in front of other at a distance and by joining both hands and touching them on the ground at the same time with the head touching the knee of the front leg. It strengthens abdominal muscles, legs and shoulders.

  1. Tadasana

It is a standing and balancing yoga pose. It is done by standing one foot and folding the other leg and placing its foot on the opposite thigh and joining hands with inhaling and exhaling in a coordinated manner. It improves posture and balance of the body and improves flexibility of joints, thighs and ankles.

  1. Padangusthasana

It is also known as big toe pose. It is done by bending a leg and sitting on it while the whole body is centered on one foot and the other foot on the opposite thigh with joined hands. It is beneficial in

Joint pain and it also strengthens core and feet.

  1. Savasana

It is also known as corpse pose. It is done by laying down like a corpse and relaxing the body. It is done to relax the body and mind.

  1. Pavanmuktasana

It is a wind relieving pose. It is done by lying on the ground with both legs bent and head touching the knees and arms wrapped around them. It is beneficial in various gastric problems and constipation.

  1. Padhastasana

It is a sitting pose. It is done by sitting with both legs straight and upper body bent with hands touching feet. It improves posture and calms mind and body.

  1. Bhujangasana

It is also known as cobra pose. It is done by laying on the ground facing towards the ground and both hands on the ground adjacent to the chest and bending the upper body upwards. It is beneficial in improving flexibility and spinal cord strength.

  1. Salabhasana

It is also known as locust pose. It is done by laying down with face towards the ground with one leg in the air. It strengthens the spine, stretches belly and thighs and is also beneficial in relieving stress.

  1. Purnasalambhasana

It is the full locust pose. It is done by laying down on the ground by touching the ground just by the abdominal part of the body and both arms and legs up in the air. It strengthens the spine, stretches belly,spinal cord, shoulder and thighs and is also beneficial in relieving stress.

  1. Dhanurasana

It is also known as bow pose. It is done by laying down by facing towards the ground and holding the ankles with both hands in the air and touching the ground just by the abdominal part of the body with the head up in the air. It strengthens the spinal cord and various muscles in the body.

  1. Supta Vajrasana

It is also known as reclining thunderbolt pose. It is done by laying down on the ground with knees bent and feet touching hips and arms behind the head wrapped around each other.

It increases the flow of oxygen in the body, stretches the spine and muscles.

  1. Ardhakurmasana

It is also known as half tortoise pose. It is done bowing down with legs bent and feet on hips and hands in front of the head. It increases the blood flow to the brain and is beneficial in headaches and migraine problems.

  1. Ustrasana

It is also known as camel pose. It is done by sitting on the floor by knees and bending the upper body backwards with hands touching feet. It is beneficial in improving flexibility of the body and spinal cord.

  1. Shasangasana

It is also known as rabbit pose. It is done by sitting on the floor on your knees and bending the upper body with the head touching the ground and hands touching feet. It is beneficial in backaches and headaches.

  1. Janu Sirsasana with paschimottanasana

It is the mixture of Janu Sirsasana and paschimottanasana. Together they are very beneficial for increasing the flexibility of the body.

  1. Ardha Matsyendrasana

It is also known as the half lord of the fishes pose. It is done by sitting on the floor with the upper body twisted on one side and the hand touching the knee of the opposite side and bending the leg of the same side. You can look as far as you can behind while twisting your body. It improves the overall flexibility of the body and spine.

  1. Kapalbhati

It is the final exercise in Bikram Yoga. In this breathing exercise air is exhaled by forcing it out by the abdominal part of the body. It relaxes the body and it is very beneficial in breathing related disorders like moderate asthma. Postures

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